Sunday, June 30, 2013

CNN = Certainly Not News

I find it absolutely disgusting how the media outlets are treating the case of Edward Snowden. In this post I would like to focus on what I saw on the CNN website this morning. Take the CNN trends bar on their home page, how important do you think is the "NSA leaker" case?

Yet, when you click on the CNN trends page itself, all of a sudden it appears as the item number 3

Now read the incipit of the CNN article, "(CNN) -- European officials reacted with fury Sunday after a report that the U.S. National Security Agency spied on EU offices."

On Sunday???? I do not think so! The news , with all Schulz's declarations, was already news on Saturday morning (US time of course) on all the European newspapers ... but of course you could not find on CNN or elsewhere in the US mainstream media.
Of course, this is not just about the CNN, but all the mainstream USA media outlets, including NPR that, as of the time of writing, has not reported yet this news.

Now, is it so unplausible that all this stirring about gay marriage is not an elaborate cover-up for covering up the patently unconstitutional character of the actions of this and the past administrations towards the privacy of world citizens?